Studies show that people make larger gains in meaningful and repetitive functional tasks and we focus on getting people moving, encouraging them to start small and gradually increase what they do empowering people to build activity habits.
The body gradually adapts to whatever demands are placed upon it so by practising targeted exercises it can become functionally stronger.
These demands may include more repetitions, at a greater intensity practised more frequently.
By designing purposeful exercises which are relevant to the individual’s functional goals they are more likely to stay motivated and therefore change.
After careful consideration of a person’s condition and their aims, we adapt or design exercises to target the task or combination of tasks which they are having difficulty with e.g balance.
The exercises are:
- meaningful
- targeted
- practical
These exercises may need to be done in therapy and / or as ‘homework’ depending upon a variety of factors including initial ability, safety, motivation and assistance required.
By enabling people to confidently apply the skills acquired in therapy into their daily routine, this helps to support independent living and to reduce social isolation.